MI5 faces new allegations of complicity to torture

Categories: Latest News
Wednesday July 09 2014
The Independent front page today reveals an exclusive report on further allegations of MI5’s complicity to torture, this time involving a British Muslim of Ethiopian descent.
The paper covers the claims made against the governments of Ethiopia and Britain by Ali Adorus, who says he was subjected to electrocution, hooding, and beatings during imprisonment.
In a press release on the issue, CAGE states that a previous article published by the Independent, noted that Adorus was detained at a safari in Tanzania, along with two friends, allegedly on the orders of MI5.
CAGE reveals that Adorus was stopped on his return to Britain when at a stopover in the Netherlands he was approached by two men. One of them, introducing himself as Nick from MI5, said:
“Look (…)! I am going to tell you what has happened and why you were sent back. I am going to tell you exactly why we are doing this to you” before explaining his suspicions about his travel and belief that Adorus attempted to join the fight in Somalia. Although Adorus was eventually released, Nick warned “Ali you have come out clear but we will be watching you at every step.”
Adorus was further interrogated upon his arrival in the UK regarding his religious and political views. Adorus claims “They wanted to put words into our mouth” and Nick notified him that his “details will be passed to the secret services of the whole world.”
More recently, the paper discloses that Adorus left Britain to visit his family in Ethiopa in February 2012. Before leaving, he complained that he had been targeted by the Metropolitan Police Service and MI5 over alleged links to Islamic extremism.
On 25 January 2013, he was arrested on his way to visit a family member and taken to the Maekelawi police station, which has been identified by Human Rights Watch in their 2013 report for its systematic use of torture and denial of basic needs to obtain forced confessions.
Adorus claims that the lead torturer threatened him saying “If you do not confess, I will not give you room to breathe. You will receive torture like you have never know. (…) Your embassy does not give a s*** about you”.
Ardorus claims he was forced to sign a confession in Amharic, a language he does not understand.
The Independent notes Adorus’ lawyers have filed a petition with the United Nations High Commission. The petition states “It is alleged that intelligence officials provided direct and/or indirect assistance to the Ethiopian authorities in carrying out the arrest and torture of Mr Adourus.”
Toby Cadman, a barrister who sent an urgent communication to the UN against the governments of Ethiopia and the UK, notes that “Mr Adorus is a British national and these allegations have been brought to the attention of the British authorities on several occasions and to date, no investigation has been initiated.”
However, the Independent states in its report today that it has received confirmation from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office that a British national is in detention in Ethiopia. The paper reports that it has also seen a report written by officials at the British embassy in Addis Ababa and which was sent to the Ethiopian government, which states “The British government takes all allegations of torture of British nationals very seriously. The treatment alleged is prohibited under international human rights treaties.”
Yet the Independent also notes the claims made by Adorus’ wife that “On the surface the Foreign Office appears to be helpful; they are consistently blaming the Ethiopians for the fact nothing is moving forward.
“But without me pushing them or lawyers here pushing them, they would not visit my husband, or follow up with his medical issues or follow up on his complaint of torture.
“It seems like the British have left him at the hands of the Ethiopians to do what they want with him.”
Indeed, several cases in recent years in which British Muslims have claimed harassment or torture by UK security services have been discovered. Such cases also include attempts by the security services to recruit Muslims as ‘spies’.