MEND Statement: Viral footage of West Midlands Police Officers Raises Questions of Excessive Force.

Categories: Latest News
Monday March 11 2019
A video went viral over the weekend depicting multiple police officers using a level of force that many have criticised as being excessively violent against an individual they are attempting to restrain.
The video captures multiple officers attempting to restrain a man, with one officer holding the man’s arms and another officer hitting the back of the man’s head with what is speculated to be a Pava spray can (a type of incapacitant spray). At least five uniformed police officers can be seen to be involved in the altercation. Many have pointed out that the man being restrained does not appear to be resisting arrest.
At this point in time details of the identity of the man have not been released
West Midlands Police has released the following statement:
West Midlands Police is aware of video footage that has been posted to social media, that shows a man being restrained by officers. The video footage, together with footage from body cameras, worn by the officers is currently being reviewed. Our Professional Standards department will consider whether the matter needs to be referred to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC).
The IRU is currently liaising with West Midlands Police and will continue to provide updates as and when they are available. The IRU is also happy to receive any information relating to this incident. You can contact the IRU using the following email address: [email protected].
It is important that anyone who believes they are in immediate danger from a prejudice-based hate crime should contact the police as soon as possible on 999. If not in immediate danger, or if you have suffered a prejudice-based hate crime in the past, then you can report it using the non-emergency number 101.
You can additionally report any Islamophobic hate crime to MEND’s Islamophobia Response Unit (IRU) here.
The IRU can also help you contact and deal with the police (if you choose to do so), and signpost you towards free legal advice and emotional support that may be available.