MEND Statement: MEND urges MPs to allow courts to determine genocide in China

Categories: Latest News
Tuesday January 19 2021
MEND urges MPs to set aside partisan loyalties and vote in favour of amendments to the Trade Bill that will empower the British High Court to determine whether genocide is taking place in places such as China against the Uyghur Muslim population.
The vote, scheduled for today (Tuesday 19th January) could see free trade deals scrapped with countries found by the High Court to be committing acts of genocide. As such, this vote presents a unique opportunity for MPs to unequivocally pursue the morally right course of action in setting a precedent ensuring that acts such as those currently being committed against China’s Uyghur population will not be tolerated.
CEO of MEND, Dr Shazad Amin, states: “our global conscience cannot allow evils such as those being perpetuated against the Uyghur people to be committed without consequence. Amidst reports of prison work camps and women being forcibly sterilized, respect for human rights and human dignity demands that we speak out against oppression and do everything in our power to show the world at large that there is no place for such heinous atrocities. We therefore call on all MPs to demonstrate their moral fortitude in standing in solidarity with the Uyghur people in supporting this amendment.”