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Man sentenced for Facebook threat to blow up Edinburgh mosque

Man sentenced for Facebook threat to blow up Edinburgh mosque

Categories: Latest News

Monday March 03 2014

BBC News reports on the sentencing of a man who posted a message on Facebook threatening to blow up Edinburgh mosque in the weeks following Lee Rigby’s murder.

Derek Phin, 46, was jailed for 12 months after he admitted posting the message on the social media site last June. Police were alerted to the message by a member of the public. When police visited Phin in connection with the message, he declared himself a member of the Scottish Defence League.

Sheriff Annella Cowan on sentencing Phin said, “Justice in this country is measured and considered.

“Everyone in this country is entitled to the same freedoms and protections.

“You have abused what you think is your right to free speech to threaten the safety of innocent people in their place of worship because of your mistaken understanding of what they or their co-religionists stand for.

“Nothing other than a prison sentence is appropriate.”


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