Man sentenced for abusing Muslim PC

Categories: Latest News
Wednesday March 16 2016
The Lancashire Telegraph reports on the sentencing of a woman who hurled racial abuse at two police officers and assaulted one of them after they were called to an incident at the Blackburn Times pub.
Emma Roach, 27, appeared before Blackburn Magistrates court this week pleading guilty to assault and racially aggravated threatening behaviour.
The court heard that PC Zain Ulhaq attended an incident at the pub where Roach was detained by staff and a member of the public was trying to “calm her down”.
Roach called PC Ulhaq “a terrorist” and uttered other words of racial abuse.
When she was taken to Greenbank police station, Roach abused female staff, made a racist comment while addressing a custody sergeant and spat in the face of a civilian detention officer.
Roach was handed a 12 month community order with 10 days rehabilitation activity requirement, and ordered to carry out 150 hours unpaid work and pay £300 compensation.