Man jailed for inciting religious hatred after Facebook post calling for all Muslims to be killed

Categories: Latest News
Friday September 08 2017
The Metro and RT report that a man who posted a message on Facebook calling for his followers to kill all Muslims has been jailed for a year.
Keegan Jakovlevs, a 22-year-old from Wrexham, posted the message after the Manchester Arena bombings in April.
Following the atrocity, in which 22 people were killed and numerous others were injured, Jakovlevs wrote: “Thoughts with all the families in the horrible Manchester bombing (hands together in prayer emoji) but no let’s not stop letting them in the country let’s kill ever… Muslim… we see… bet they would still send us down.”
Jakovlevs was jailed for 12 months on Thursday 7 September at Mold Crown Court after he earlier admitted an offence of “publishing material with the intention of stirring up religious hatred”.
Greater Manchester Police revealed a significant rise in hate crime reports in the immediate aftermath of April’s attack.
Sue Hemming, head of the special crime and counter-terrorism division at the Crown Prosecution Service, said outside the court, “After the Manchester attack there were countless messages of support on social media for those affected, but Keegan Jakovlevs chose to stir up religious hatred by calling for British Muslims to be indiscriminately killed.
“No harmful consequences appear to have resulted, but his intention was clear, and he pleaded guilty once he saw the CPS’s case against him.”
Warning others against following Jakovlevs lead, Hemming said, “People should not assume they can hide on social media when stirring up hatred and violence. Where there is evidence, the CPS will prosecute them and they will face imprisonment as a result.”