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Man handed suspended sentence for anti-Islam graffiti

Man handed suspended sentence for anti-Islam graffiti

Categories: Latest News

Friday April 15 2016

The London Evening Standard reports that a man who pleaded guilty to nine charges of racially aggravated criminal damage in relation to graffiti found at the Noor Ul Islam centre in Leyton has received a suspended sentence.

Tom Whelan admitted scrawling offensive terms like  “deport Islam”, “Islam evil”, “Arab myth”, “Nation destroyer” and “Allah myth” on hoardings at the east London Islamic centre, which is undergoing renovations, between August 2015 and February 2016.

Last month, Whelan was banned from carrying a marker pen and ordered not go within 50 metres of the Noor Ul Islam Trust.

Appearing at Thames Valley Magistrates Court for sentencing yesterday, Whelan was handed a four month jail sentence, suspended for two years and ordered to carry out 175 hours’ community service.


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