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Man fined for Facebook post inciting mosque attacks

Man fined for Facebook post inciting mosque attacks

Categories: Latest News

Monday July 21 2014

BBC News and the Daily Record both report on the financial penalty levied on a former footballer who posted a comment on Facebook inciting religiously aggravated criminal damage in the days after Drummer Lee Rigby’s murder.

Ryan Harbinson posted a comment on Facebook stating: “Any one up for starting our own series of terrorist attacks, little bit of petroleum would set fire to the mosque nicely.”

His comment was reported by a member of the public who saw the post and became alarmed by it.

During the trial, Harbinson was revealed to be suffering from post traumatic stress disorder, following a stabbing attack in 2011, which Falkirk Sherriff Court treated as mitigating circumstances. Sherriff Mundy, told Harbinson

“I am prepared to deal with this by way of a financial penalty. I accept in coming to the amount of your penalty that PTSD was a factor in the commission of this offence.

“It doesn’t excuse it, but it was a factor.

“I also have regard to your background and the traumatic event that you experienced yourself that led to the PTSD.”

Harbinson was fined £1000 by the court but denied a charge of breaching the peace.


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