Statement: The Telegraph has decided to blame MEND for Lord Ian Austin’s justified suspension from Midland Heart’s board
Categories: Latest News
Saturday February 17 2024
We congratulate Midland Heart on suspending Ian Austin for his continued troublesome views. We remind you that over 100 Muslim organisations and individuals from Leicester and some local councillors objected to Lord Austin’s appointment for a review in to violence in their city, stating they will not engage in the process due to Lord Austin’s record in public office. Lord Austin was found guilty of falsifying statements and was forced to apologise and pay an undisclosed sum to friends of Al Aqsa. The Labour Muslim Network has previously accused him of Islamophobia. Since the Gaza genocide has begun, he has been one of the biggest cheerleaders of this assault on Gaza. Lord Austin was roundly criticised for displaying a profile picture that stated “let Israel Finish the job,” as the International Court of Justice is now describing that job as “plausible genocide,” does Lord Austin still stand by this?
On Lord Austin’s latest tweet, it was tweeted with no context and could plausibly be seen to be talking about some Muslims in Britain. Lord Austin’s deletion of the tweet clearly signifies he can see how insulting it was. When it comes to Muslims and Palestine activists Lord Austin is no anti-racist. As to the “independent” review of prevent, you will know it was carried out by William Shawcross, who had a notorious reputation for Islamophobia during his tenure as a former director and trustee of the neoconservative and Islamophobic think-tank, the Henry Jackson Society (HJS). In 2012, whilst director of HJS, Shawcross asserted: “Europe and Islam is one of the greatest, most terrifying problems of our future. I think all European countries have vastly, very quickly growing Islamic populations”. More than 200 civil society organisations, community leaders and academics called on the UK government to withdraw the flawed report. Seventeen human rights organisations, including Amnesty International and Liberty boycotted the “review” due to Shawcross’ appointment. To rely on this review to accuse us of anything is libelous.