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Legoland forced to close for weekend after far right threats

Legoland forced to close for weekend after far right threats

Categories: Latest News

Friday March 07 2014

The Daily Mail, Metro, Independent, Windsor Express and BBC News all report on Windsor Legoland’s closure over the weekend of 8-9 March following the cancellation of a private group booking prompted by threats received from supporters of the English Defence League and other far right groups.

The private hire of the venue by the Muslim Research and Development Foundation was cancelled late last week after Legoland, on the advice of Thames Valley Police and fearing for the safety of staff and visitors, decided to withdraw MRDF’s booking.

Thames Valley Police are investigating comments posted on Legoland’s Facebook page by far right extremists who bombarded the theme park’s social media page with threats in protest at the Muslim group’s booking.

The Daily Mail notes that “More than 1,000 Muslim families were expected to attend on Sunday at a cost of around £100,000 before police advised that the event be cancelled.”

It also reproduces some of the threats posted on Legoland’s Facebook page noting:

“One Neo-Nazi group wrote that it would make police in Thames Valley their ‘b****’ and that threatening children ‘rocks’.

“The post on the group’s Facebook page also said: ‘My dad would be so proud if he knew I existed #itsgreatbeingus’.”

Notably absent in the DM’s coverage of both the cancellation of MRDF’s booking and the weekend closure, is the role played in this sorry saga by its columnist, Richard Littlejohn, whose incendiary piece, ‘Jolly Jihadi Boy’s Outing,’ could rival the EDL’s own anti-Muslim bigotry.


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