Lancashire town shows solidarity in Ramadan
Categories: Latest News
Thursday June 01 2017
The Lancashire town of Great Harwood saw Muslims and non-Muslims come together to celebrate Iftar, the ceremony marking the end of each day’s fast during the period of Ramadan, on 31 May. People from across the town gathered together to show solidarity with the area’s Muslim community. Speeches were made by imams from local mosques while restaurants and takeaway shops gave away food to those gathered. The event came one week after the community had assembled to pay tribute to those killed in the suicide bombing in Manchester on 22 May 2017.
Farqan Amin, one of the event’s organisers, claimed it was a sign that Great Harwood had “come together stronger” instead of being driven apart by the tragedy.
Great Harwood Councillor Noordad Aziz stated his hope that “this will be a recurring event and will bring people together every year.” He also said he felt the town’s aim was to “make the effort to get to know our neighbours no matter what their background is.”