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Former UKIP councillor tells Muslim his ‘sort’ not wanted in ‘our civilised country’

Former UKIP councillor tells Muslim his ‘sort’ not wanted in ‘our civilised country’

Categories: Latest News

Thursday June 23 2016

The Bristol Post reports on an outburst by a former UKIP councillor who told a Muslim local resident “the ‘real’ British public don’t trust your ‘sort’ and we don’t want you in our civilised country”.

Former councillor for the Hengrove ward Michael Frost lost his seat in last month’s local elections. 

The local paper reports that Mr Frost was among  several local councillors who were sent a message by Ahmedhakim Jahad with quotes from the Qur’an and the message “Blessed is the month of Ramadan. It is the month of prayer and guidance, discipline and tolerance, repentance and charity.”

In reply, Mr Frost wrote to Mr Jahad: “Tell this to all the innocent people you and your type have murdered.

“Shame on you and the bastard scum who kill in the name of Islam.”

Mr Jahad replied to say Mr Frost had insulted him and appeared to blame all Muslims for the actions of a violent fringe.

Mr Frost responded writing, “Thank you for your reply, I did not accuse you of anything and I know that all muslims are not terrorists but all the terrorists ARE muslims.

“The vast majority of the ‘real’ British public don’t trust your ‘sort’ and we don’t want you in our civilised country.

“Please stop using the word ‘righteousness’ until you understand what it means, unless you think that mutilating your young girls private parts, making your women subservient and brainwashing your young men to leave their families and waste their lives fighting a hopeless war is Righteousness.”

The email exchange was sent to the Bristol Post by a fellow councillor who was copied into the exchange and who expressed “disgust” at the comments. 

Mr Frost denied being a racist when approached by the paper. He said, “My stand point on all of this was always that whatever race, creed or colour you are, if you want to be accepted into our country, obey the law, accept our culture, enjoy our freedom, and if you can’t or won’t, you have the freedom to leave.”

Mr Frost also told the paper that his remarks were sent “in private” to a “blanket email” sent to all Bristol city councillors. 

Mr Jahad declined to comment. 


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