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Former BBC presenter’s Facebook rants on Muslims

Former BBC presenter’s Facebook rants on Muslims

Categories: Latest News

Monday September 01 2014

The Western Daily Press, Bristol Post, and the independent news site Small World News Service report on a former BBC presenter’s rant on Facebook about ‘P*kis’ in Rotherham.

Sam Mason, a former BBC Radio Bristol presenter, launched a racist tirade about the sex abuse scandal in Rotherham on her Facebook page. In one of her posts, she wrote “Dirty dirty filthy p*ki Rotherham bastards.”

The post further stated “Some p*ki woman is blaming the government for not looking after the p*ki community! Wtf is that all about? Jesus Christ.

“Now, anyone i offended by booking my daughter a taxi can you please f#ck off.” (sic)

Her last remark, about booking her daughter a taxi relates to her sacking from the BBC in 2008 after she was recorded asking a cab company to send a ‘non-Asian’ taxi driver to pick up her daughter. The recording was leaked to The Sun newspaper which printed the story. Mason was said to have told the taxi operator “A guy with a turban is going to freak her out. She’s not used to Asians.”

Although The Bristol Post describes the rant as a “race row” in its headline, it refers to Mason as an “outspoken” individual who has posted “forthright” messages.

Among her series of Facebook posts, Mason also posted a link to a video entitled “The Horrific Muslim of Britain – Luton 2012” alongside the comment “If in any doubt, watch this. Rotherham is just the tip of the ice berg. How many of these are in Syria fighting for IS? Don’t let the b*****ds back. F**k PC.”

Defending her posts, she stated “F**k their human rights, they’re not human.”

Moreover, another post stated: “Being British isn’t about what colour or religion you are. It’s how you treat your neighbour.

“How you respect one another, how you integrate, respect and embrace each other’s cultures.

“It’s NOT about hard line radical retarded extremists who try to infiltrate our schools and prey on our children.

“It’s not about sending your wife out looking like Darth fekin Vader and trying to change our country into the s**t forsaken desert you came from.

“So please do us all a favour, come here and be BRITISH and if thats too much for you, please do f**k off.” (sic)

Praising Boris Johnson’s decision to stand for parliament at the next election, she wrote “At least he’s got the balls to deal with these murderous Muslims, and he’s prepared to kick them out if they go off to ply their evil murderous traits in their parents dust filled countries.”

In another article, the Bristol Post observes Mason’s attempt to defend her comments by stating that she was referring to “radical Jihads and the home-grown idiots who go out to fight for IS” and not “the Muslim community we love and embrace.”

Mason stated “May I make one thing clear – I love the Muslim community and have many Muslim friends, who have called me today with their wise words and support.

“It’s not about colour or religion. Its about right and wrong. I don’t feel I have to apologise to the Muslim community, as my ‘rant’ was about the radicals and most certainly not about the Muslim community we love and embrace.”


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