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Forest Hill stabbing victim’s wife speaks about attack

Forest Hill stabbing victim’s wife speaks about attack

Categories: Latest News

Friday December 16 2016

The Evening Standard front page story yesterday revealed details of the incident at Forest Hill station earlier this week where a man allegedly shouting “I want to kill a Muslim” before repeatedly stabbing a Muslim passenger.

The paper carried an interview with the victim’s wife, Kulsuma Ali. Ms Ali spoke to the paper about the vicious attack on her husband, Muhammed Akram Ali, and the alleged motive, describing words shouted by the attacker before he launched into a stabbing frenzy.

Ms Ali said the man shouted “I want to kill a Muslim,” “I am going to kill a Muslim” and “go back to Syria”.

Ms Ali said the attacker was carrying a “big kitchen knife” and expressed her dismay at his not being apprehended sooner while travelling on the train network. She said, “The man was wandering around with it and showing it but no one had stopped him. How can he not have been stopped before?”.

She described the wounds inflicted on her husband saying the attacker “stabbed my husband in the head first and then twice in  the chest and then three times in the back.

“One wound is near the lung and very dangerous and the doctors are very worried about his sight because he was stabbed near the eye.”

Mr Ali’s condition has been described as “serious”.

Ms Ali also spoke about the lack of support shown for her and her husband by fellow passengers. She said “No one came to help us at first. My husband had been stabbed loads of times before anyone moved.”

A nurse travelling on the train later intervened with Ms Ali saying her help may have saved her husband’s life.

Ms Ali said the incident has had a lasting impact on her and her family. She said she has not been able to sleep since because the scene “keeps playing in my head” and her three sons have not been able to go to school.

The paper notes that a 38 year old man has appeared in court charged with attempted murder, possession of an offensive weapon and assault by battery.




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