Far right activist to address Pegida-UK rally in Newcastle

Categories: Latest News
Friday February 20 2015
Local paper, the Newcastle Chronicle reports on the impending march by the far right group, Pegida-UK next weekend.
The march has already been denounced by the local MP, Chi Onwurah, who has called on the Home Secretary to ban prospective participants from overseas from attending the protest on grounds of their presence not being conducive to the public good.
The Newcastle Chronicle reports that Liberty GB leader and candidate in the European Parliament elections last May, Paul Weston, has been invited by the organisers to address the rally.
Weston was arrested for a public order incident days before the European Parliament elections last year after he was approached by police for citing incendiary passages written by Winston Churchill about Muslims and ‘Mohammedanism’ at Winchester Guildhall prompting complaints by members of the public.
Liberty GB proclaims its purpose as “a patriotic, anti-Islamisation party promoting Christian civilisation, Western freedoms and British culture”.
The party’s manifesto for the European elections contained a number of anti-Muslim policies, remarkably like the manifesto published by the British National Party in 2010.
The Newcastle Chronicle reminds readers of some of the policies Liberty GB have promoted:
– death sentence for terrorism
– prohibit Muslims from holding public office
– deport all Muslims considered to be a threat, along with their families
– segregate Muslim prisoners within the prison system to prevent conversion of non-Muslims to Islam
– ban mosque-building, remove minarets from existing mosques, outlaw the Islamic call to prayer
– ban ritual slaughter of animals and importation of ritually slaughtered meat
– close all madrassas and Muslim faith schools
– close Muslim prayer rooms and Islamic centres on university campuses
Weston is also known to have spoken at a number of rallies organised by far right group, the English Defence League.
The Independent adds to coverage about the pending protest reporting that fans from Newcastle United football club have issued a statement saying the far right groups were not welcome in their city. A post on the fans’ Facebook page states:
“There is a fear that Newcastle United supporters who are of the Islamic faith or origin may be singled out for abuse by this group and we say that the authorities cannot allow any of our community, whatever their race, creed or religious belief to be treated in such a manner in our city on match day or any other day.”
The Northern Echo reports that Northumbria Police have committed extra officers to police the protest. A counter-protest has been organised by anti-racism campaigners with MP George Galloway and Russell Brand expected to attend.