EDL supporter launches petition against Cambridge mosque

Categories: Latest News
Monday February 17 2014
Local paper, the Cambridge News, reports on the circulation of a petition by an English Defence League supporter against the Mill Road mosque development.
The mosque, which was recently subjected to an attempted court injunction against development, is now the target of an online petition, according to the local paper.
The ‘Stop construction of mosque on Mill Road, Cambridge’ petition ‘launched by a Cambridge resident and EDL supporter named ‘Phillip Cufc Jackson’ has gathered 1,498 signatures on US based website causes.com’, the paper reports.
Sahid Hanif, a spokesman for the Cambridge Mosque Project, told the local paper, “I think that at the end of the day all you can do is refer back to any objections to the plans that were registered with the city council. I don’t know what else to say about that. But what I can say is that when we have had open days or a stall at the Mill Road Winter Fair we have had a lot of compliments about the design of the mosque.”
The mosque received planning approval from the city council in 2012. Its application attracted about 50 letters against the plans but more than 200 in support. Since gaining planning approval, the mosque has been the target of a negative leafleting campaign and vandalism with the words “terrorist scumbags” graffitied onto its walls in the days following Lee Rigby’s murder in London.