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EDL men will pay almost £6K for religious abuse

EDL men will pay almost £6K for religious abuse

Categories: Latest News

Monday September 17 2012

A local paper has reported that six EDL supporters who were recently convicted for religiously aggravated disorder have been sentenced with a combined fine plus costs of almost £6,000. The incident to which the sentencing is related took place at Middlesbrough train station last December.

From the Evening Gazette:

“Six men with links to a controversial right-wing pressure group have been ordered to pay almost £6,000 for chanting a sickening torrent of religious abuse.

“Supporters of the men, some wearing EDL sweatshirts and carrying flags, gathered outside the court building yesterday as magistrates only allowed five people in the public gallery.

“There was also a strong police presence both in and outside the court, along with mounted officers in Centre Square.

“As reported, the group members – who all said they were associated to the EDL in some way – were convicted of religiously aggravated harassment and using threatening words or behaviour to cause harassment alarm or distress, after a two-day trial.

“Addressing the defendants, Elizabeth Hutchinson, chairman of the bench, said: “It’s the court’s belief that you knew exactly what you were doing, that you deliberately set out to use racially abusive language and to intimidate members of the public.”

“She added that the incident was aggravated by the fact that it was a group action which took place over a “length of time” where members of the public were present.

“Between them, the defendants were fined £2,730 and ordered to pay £3,090 costs – adding up to £5,820.”


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