Daily Mail 'special report' on Shari'ah in UK

Categories: Latest News
Monday August 01 2011
Not content with its indulgence last week of Islam4UK’s perverse attempts to set up so called ‘Shari’a zones’, the Daily Mail on Saturday devoted a two page spread to Islam4UK, as well as an editorial and article on Shari’ah courts.
In what can only be described as a dereliction of duty, the DM crudely offers Islam4UK’s latest publicity stunt the respectability of a “special report”. And for those unable to distinguish between the law-abiding British Muslim majority and the antics of this idiotic fringe, the DM carefully repeats every so often choice caveats on how islam4UK does not represent the Muslim mainstream.
Sue Reid’s “special report” draws on ‘research’ by Policy Exchange on British Muslim sympathy for Shari’ah in the UK, includes comments from Cllr Alan Craig (who spearheaded the campaign against the mosque complex in Newham), and Baroness Cox.
An article appearing earlier in the paper explores the implications of the response offered by Justice Minister Jonathan Djanogly to MP, Kris Hopkins’s question on shari’ah courts in the UK.
The article entitled, ‘Probe into secretive Sharia law courts scrapped as Muslim leaders close ranks’, opens with the sentence:
“Ministers have abandoned an inquiry into the rise of secretive Sharia councils that deal in Islamic justice – because the Muslim courts refused to help.”
In fact, according to a statement made by the Ministry of Justice, which appears at the end of the article,
“The Ministry of Justice said: ‘The report was essentially an exploratory study which identified a number of challenges to undertaking more robust research.
“The challenges to undertaking more robust research were that the councils are generally run on a volunteer basis, were short staffed and very busy, so there were practical difficulties in speaking with respondents.
“There was also reluctance to discuss the private work of the councils and respondents were wary of the stereotypical ways in which their organisations were represented in the media.”
The articles in Saturday’s Daily Mail pretty much proves their wariness of the media’s stereotyping to be well-founded.