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Care home worker faces disciplinary panel over anti-Muslim Facebook posts

Care home worker faces disciplinary panel over anti-Muslim Facebook posts

Categories: Latest News

Wednesday June 08 2016

The Daily Record and Herald report on the disciplinary hearing facing a former care worker in Glasgow after anti Muslim Facebook posts were discovered on her social media page.

Yvonne Maclean, 58, is to appear before the Scottish Social Services Council next week over allegations about racist behaviour and unprofessional conduct during her time working as a care home worker at Bupa’s ­Wyndford Locks nursing home in Glasgow. The allegations date between 2010 and 2014.

Ms Maclean was handed a six month suspension in February by the SSSC after the allegations came to light, some of which relate to social media posts.

The papers report on status updates on Maclean’s Facebook page which read:

“Dirty clatty Muslim f***s. If I had my way I’d line them up against a wall, look them dead in the eyes and blow their black faces off.”

In another post on Muslims, she wrote: “Get everyone of those f***pigs to f*** out of our country, even the ones who claim they are peaceful. Don’t believe any of them.”

Some of the posts predate her suspension, with this message posted on 5 January: “I wish the national news would stop calling these terrorists British. None of these scumbags are British. We are Christians are in this country, not Muslims.”

Another message stated: ­“Good thing is no f****** Muslims, all whites. Will be able to speak without being accused of racism.

In posts added to her page after her February suspension, Maclean allegedly wrote on April 6: “I wish all these Pakistani would leave there (sic) backword (sic) behaviour in Pakistan and not waste the tax payer’s money on legal issues.

“My God they are killing each other here now, b****y Muslims. I would put them all in a boat with a hole in it. Get to hell out of my country.”

Colleagues have also alleged Maclean made racist comments when talking about Muslim colleagues with one alleging she said: “People like you become racist because of people like him,” referring to a Muslim co-worker.

Maclean is also alleged to have said that a Muslim colleague “should not be fasting” and suggested that he “was not fit for his job”.

Maclean is also alleged to have asked a service user if they would like a “Scottish carer”.

A spokesperson for Bupa Wyndford Locks said that Ms Maclean was suspended by the care home facility “as soon as these allegations were raised in 2014.”

The Scottish Social Services Council applied a six month interim suspension in February. Maclean will face a disciplinary hearing next week in connection to the allegations.


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