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Cardiff communities issue joint statement rejecting 'twisted version of Islam'

Cardiff communities issue joint statement rejecting 'twisted version of Islam'

Categories: Latest News

Monday June 30 2014

ITV News covers the statement issued by religious leaders, Welsh MPs and members of the Welsh Assembly to ‘reject the words’ and ‘twisted version of Islam’ of militants attempting to recruit British Muslims to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS). 

The statement, organised by Cardiff South MP Stephen Doughty and Saleem Kidwai, Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Wales, states:

“As community and religious leaders, and elected representatives in Cardiff, we are determined to work together to build a strong, cohesive and tolerant city, based on mutual respect. We reject extremism and together we will challenge those who want to destabilize and damage our communities and our young people.

“Recent reports about young men from Cardiff who appear to have joined extremists fighting with ISIS in Syria and Iraq are of grave concern to all of us in this city.

“We reject the words of these individuals, and we condemn those who have recruited these young and impressionable individuals with false promises and a twisted version of Islam.

“Here in Cardiff we have a long history of respect and interaction between our diverse communities, among them some of the oldest Muslim communities in Britain. Only last week a publication was launched which spells out the true message of Islam with a clear message of peace and social justice – messages supported by Imams and welcomed by local and national leaders.

“We all stand together to challenge those who preach hate – from whatever community, faith or denomination they come. And we are committed to redouble our efforts to act together to tackle those who seek to exploit and mislead our young people, and expose them to the siren words of manipulative extremists.

“These people and their ideologies have no place in Cardiff – and they are not welcome here. We call upon all members of our community to be vigilant against any suspicious behaviour or actions that might threaten the security and peace of our Cardiff community.”


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