Britain First ‘invades’ Crayford Mosque, protests against ‘segregated entrances’

Categories: Latest News
Wednesday July 16 2014
The Independent, the local paper, News Shopper and the Asian Image all report on Britain’s First’s latest ‘invasion’ of a mosque. The far right group and its “Kent battalion activists” descended the North West Kent Muslim Association mosque in Crayford last Sunday at around 1pm.
The invasion follows a series of other unsolicited visits by the far right group of mosques across the country including in Glasgow, Bradford and other areas in the North West of England.
The Independent notes that a film of the invasion has been posted on Britain First’s Facebook page, similar to videos posted of other ‘invasions’.
Led by the far right group’s chair, Paul Golding, “Kent battalion activists” in paramilitary clothing marched into the North West Kent Muslim Association mosque asking to speak to an imam before confronting an elderly man and protesting at the building’s separate entrances for men and women.
Golding had planned to protest outside the mosque last year, then as the leader of the ‘English National Resistance, claiming the separate entrances for men and women were ‘a form of apartheid’.
Golding demanded “We object to your signs that are outside, the signs for men and women… in this country we have equality.”
Upon realising that the Britain First members entered the area of worship with shoes, the elderly man notified them that “you’re not supposed to come in shoes” and requested that they leave.
Golding responds by saying “When you respect women, we will respect your mosques and you got signs out there which segregate men and women”.
A female member of Britain First added “The problem is we fought long and hard for equality, as women we fought long and hard in this country. And you are taking us back a hundred years because of your rules.”
The elderly worshiper eventually conceded to their demands by indicating that he would remove the signs.
Golding adds “you’ve got one week, one week, to take those signs down or we will.”
As the far right activists are ushered out, Golding makes a further demand saying the Christian cross built into the brick of the building, above the entrance, be covered because “you don’t believe in Jesus”.
As the elderly man explains that the cross belongs to the council, Golding insists the cross be covered because “it is offensive” to Christians.
The film ends with the slogan “Britain First Defence Force. No Fear. No retreat. No surrender.”
Syed Alam, one of the volunteers at the mosque, told the local paper, News Shopper, that five men and one women harassed a handful of worshippers for up to 10 minutes in a “very aggressive and threatening” manner.
The News Shopper report also draws attention to a statement on the far right group’s website which states “Islam treats and views women as second class citizens. Britain First will not allow Islam to drag our standards back to the 7th Century.”
Yet, as the Independent rightly points out, acts of worship in Orthodox Jewish synagogues and some Sikh gurdwaras, like mosques, are also based on gender separation.
The News Shopper further observes the far right group’s Facebook page claims Golding was arrested in connection with the incident but police confirmed no individuals had been detained after officers were alerted to “reports of a disturbance”.
A spokesman said “The incident is being investigated by detectives from Bexley Community Safety Unit to establish whether any offences have been committed.
“Officers from the local Safer Neighbourhoods Team are carrying out additional patrols in the area.”
Noting the reaction the invasion has received, the Asian Image poses the questions: “If you had a Muslim group invading churches across the UK – how do you think the authorities would react?
“If Muslim thugs were storming into and filming in synagogues disregarding all religious etiquette – how would the mainstream press react?”