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BNP stokes tension in Bradford with poster about war veteran's robbery

BNP stokes tension in Bradford with poster about war veteran's robbery

Categories: Latest News

Friday November 14 2014

Bradford’s local paper, The Telegraph & Argus, reports on the exploitation of a war veteran’s robbery by the British National Party for political gain.

A former infantryman, George Gill, was robbed of his war medals while walking to a Remembrance Day ceremony in Keighley by individuals described as being of Asian appearance. Mr Gill’s beret and poppy were also forcibly removed during the ordeal.

The local paper reports that the BNP have produced a poster with a picture of Mr Gill wearing his army beret and titled it ‘Muslim gang steal medals after attacking British Army veteran’.

The poster states: ‘Enough is enough. Help protect our heritage and people’ and bears the party’s symbol.

Mr Gill told the local paper he had no idea of the BNP’s shameless exploitation of the incident saying “I think it is disgusting and ridiculous.”

“I knew nothing about it all. It is shameful and it has made me angry. I am shocked.”

The BNP has exploited incidents in the past where there has been scope to foment the party’s anti-Muslim prejudice.

In 2012, the ex-leader of the party, Nick Griffin, swooped in on local protests in Leicestershire against a Muslim community’s application to convert a disused scouts hut into an Islamic community centre.

The party has also tried to capitalise on animal rights issues in order to peddle its anti-Muslim agenda by targeting abattoirs that supply halal meat.


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