Belfast councillor supports anti-Islam speeches
Categories: Latest News
Thursday August 10 2017
News Letter reports that the Belfast councillor and former Traditional Unionist Voice (TUV) candidate, Jolene Bunting, is happy to stand over claims that “all Muslims” are obliged to “wage war” on the Christian population of the UK and Europe.
Having helped organise the ‘Northern Ireland Against Terrorism’ rally outside Belfast City Hall on Sunday, the independent unionist councillor said she had no issues with any of the right-wing speakers who condemned Muslim, and would cooperate with police if an investigation is launched.
The rally on Sunday gave a platform for a number of Britain First right-wing members such as its leader Paul Golding and deputy leader Jayda Fransen.
During the rally Ms Fransen told around 60 supporters in Donegall Square East that Muslims were “baying for our blood,” and added: “The world is at war with Islam. Every single Muslim is obliged to kill you and your husbands and your wives and your children.”
Ms Bunting then introduced each of the four speakers but also addressed the small group herself.
“We will start today’s rally by asking for God’s blessing on the rally,” she said before reading the Lord’s Prayer. “I don’t care what colour your skin is, I don’t care where you come from, if your faith teaches you that you should murder people if they don’t conform to your beliefs and your ideology, then your faith needs to be opposed.”
She went on to say: “There are republican terrorists elected to our government in Stormont. Can you imagine if Prime Minister Theresa May let the political wing of Daesh go into coalition with the Tories? Yet that is exactly what we have had happen in our country.
“They are not just in our government but they are in charge of our government … while innocent victims of terrorists struggle to have their voices heard.”
Speaking to the News Letter on Monday, Ms Bunting said she was pleased with how the rally had passed off – and how many people had viewed the video of the speeches online.
“It was a complete success, and what I am really impressed with is that over 100,000 people actually saw it online,” she said.
When asked if she thought any of the speakers went too far in the denouncement of Islam, she said: “No.”
Addressing Sunday’s rally, Mr Golding said: “England is going to descend into civil war. There’s going to be bloodshed. You’ve seen the template for this kind of thing over in Northern Ireland during the Troubles.
“That is going to come to the mainland. Except it’s going to be far more vicious and bloodthirsty.”