Apologies and Retractions

Categories: Latest News
Tuesday September 09 2008
Writing in complaint of inaccurate or defamatory material is your right as a citizen and an individual. Muslims are increasingly forcing newspapers to rethink their irresponsible practices by using legal means of redress.
The Daily Express printed an apology to Inayat Bunglawala, in both print and online editions for a story that grotesquely misrepresented his comments.

The Sun newspaper was similarly forced to retract the contents of a story on a Muslim bus driver which were proven to have been fabricated. The apology is re-printed below and can be read here
The Sun
15 August 2008
AN article on March 29, “Everyone off my bus, I need to pray”, stated that Arunas Raulynaitis, a London bus driver and a Muslim, asked passengers to leave his bus so he could pray and that passengers later refused to re-board the bus because they saw a ruck-sack which made them think he might be a fanatic.
The article included pictures of Mr Raulynaitis praying.
We now accept that these allegations were completely untrue.
Mr Raulynaitis is not a fanatic and he did not ask passengers to leave his bus to allow him to pray.
In fact, he was praying during his statutory rest break.
We apologise to Mr Raulynaitis for the embarrassment and distress caused.