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Anti-Muslim shoppers throw ‘pork scratchings’ into Sikh journalist’s shopping basket

Anti-Muslim shoppers throw ‘pork scratchings’ into Sikh journalist’s shopping basket

Categories: Latest News

Monday November 14 2016

The London Evening Standard reports on BBC journalist, Manpreet Mellhi, who was mistaken for a Muslim by two shoppers who dropped bags of pork scratchings into her shopping basket in Sainsbury’s on Saturday.

 Ms Mellhi, who is Sikh, works for BBC Gloucestershire. She posted a tweet on Saturday drawing attention to the episode stating “To person who dropped two bags of pork scratchings into my basket in Sainsbury’s: your pitiful Saturday activity backfired. I’m not Muslim.”

 Ms Mellhi told Gloucestershire Live that she found the incident “bizarre”.

 “It shocked me a bit. I think it was deliberate, though I couldn’t say 100 per cent, but nothing about it was a normal situation,” she said.

 “Did people want to offend me? I don’t know. Did they think it was funny? Probably.”

 She added: “Had I been a Muslim or had it happened to a Muslim then I would have found it more offensive than I did.”


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