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Abusive passenger ordered off tram after Islamophobic rant in Sheffield

Abusive passenger ordered off tram after Islamophobic rant in Sheffield

Categories: Latest News

Monday September 04 2017

Yahoo News UK reported an incident which involved an Islamophobic rant that took place on a tram in Sheffield. The incident was recorded by Victoria Hindle, 32, and has over 175,000 views on YouTube.

In the footage, the unnamed individual claimed he was a Britain First and Tommy Robinson supporter; ‘with Tommy Robinson on this, I’m with Britain First on this’.

Victoria warned the individual that ‘you’ll be an internet sensation tomorrow’ to which he replied, ‘do you think I’m bothered?’

Among other accusations he is also heard arguing that ‘He (Allah) orders (the) beheading of people who don’t believe in Allah’.

In addition, the man insisted that he was not ‘being a racist, I’m quoting things from the Quran, if I’m going to be arrested for quoting things from the Quran that’s happened, how come Muslims aren’t arrested for preaching it?’. These comments came after a fellow passenger argued that the police would have him arrested.

Asked by another fellow passenger: “Why are you doing this?”, he replied by saying “I am right”.

The incident allegedly targeted a black male passenger and his daughter. When the black male tried to reason with the individual by saying “everyone’s got their own beliefs”, the individual aggressively walked towards him. The black man reacted by putting up a hand, the individual responded, saying: ‘Don’t put your hands up to me, mate, else I will f***** knock you straight out.’

Eventually, a female conductor arrived at the scene and successfully removed the man from the tram for using foul language and his aggressive behaviour.

The Independent contacted South Yorkshire Police which released a statement saying: “We are aware of the incident and we are investigating. Incidents of this nature are taken extremely seriously.”


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